Lift yourself up
On this page you can find some music numbers & movies which I use during teaching my classes or when I want to go back to memories which I had during my journey on earth.
This song I so amazingly healing. Use your voice and feel yourself.
Astral Dawn
Make me a channel for your peace
May your healing waters flow through me
As the rivers flow to the seas.
Make me a channel for your truth
May my life be guided by your light
As the tree grows forth from the root
Make me a channel for your love
May your healing waters cleanse my soul
So that I may comfort others
Make me a channel for your light
May your healing rays shine through my heart
Like a lantern in the night
Make me a channel for your flow
May your winds of change
Blow through my soul
For all things come and go
Make me a channel for your grace
May your divine luminescent light
All actions permeate
Make me a channel for your cure
May each word and thought and deed
Be aligned with the spirit of the sacred source
I open up my heart
To the Spirit of the Astral Dawn
From the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
The Light of Love is born
* I have been travelling in a group called the Rainbow family. This was a life changing event for me. Camping in the forrest and living very primitive, no comfort, no electricity, no music boxes, just us.. nature.. music.. dance.. connection. It was so simple which was really healing for me. Here you can see a video to get an idea of how we live together.
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad,
Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
God and We are One.
I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.
I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.
God and We are One.
This mantra, also known as the Siri Mantra or the Magic Mantra, stops anything negative and removes all obstacles. It brings great intuition. If the mantra is chanted 5 times, it will stop the mind and put it into reverse gear. It can take you beyond duality and establish the flow of spirit.
It needs to be chanted with reverence. After chanting this mantra, anything you say will be amplified, so be positive and don’t say anything negative, at least for a while. This mantra can have a negative backlash if chanted incorrectly. So it’s best to invoke the sacred—chant or meditate before practicing this mantra.
gives us the light, and takes care of our affairs.
God is merciful, and never forgets us.
God guides us, giving us good people to help us.
God does not allow hurt to come to us.
I take comfort in the thought of God.
When I remember God, I feel peaceful and happy
and all my pain departs.
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
[Verse 2]
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
[Verse 3]
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
[Verse 5]
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
[Verse 6]
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
This mantra is often referred to as the ‘Mangala Charan Mantra’. Let’s begin with shedding our light on this ‘term’. Mangala Charan means ‘something we lay at the feet of the Guru’. Chanting it is like a sign of humility, showing a willingness to bow your head for something greater than you. In India students bow their head to their teacher, it’s a way of showing that you are willing to transcend your ego. You open yourself to receive the teachings not with your head, but with your heart and thus bypass the ego. Mangala Charan does not only refer to the mantra ‘Aad Guray Nameh’, but actually it means the opening words of a shabad, a sacred song from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of the Sikhs. These opening words create the right condition in the mind of the listener to hear the sacred chanting.
Waah Yantee- Ka yantee
The Wah Yantee mantra is recited for awakening intuition. Wah Yantee is a mantra of creativity and renewal. Wah Yantee is one of the mantras chanted every morning as a part of the Aquarian Sadhana. In the Kundalini Yoga Tradition, the practice of this mantra is the culmination of hundreds of years of prayer.
Wah Yantee Kar Yantee Jag Dut Patee Aadak It Waha
Brahmaday Trayshaa Guru It Wahe Guru
Meaning: Great Macroself, Creative Self. All that is creative through time, all that is the Great One. Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is Wahe Guru.
I am thine
Humee Hum Brahm Hum
This is a mantra for creative expression. It helps remove fear to allow for authentic communication. This mantra literally means that we are the spirit of the Divine.
Meaning: We are We. We are the Divine.
Adi Shakti
The Adi Shakti Mantra tunes one into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to the primal protective, generating energy. It is said that chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desires.
Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo
Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo
Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo
Meaning: I bow to (or call on) the primal power. I bow to (or call on) the all encompassing power and energy.
I bow to (or call on) that through which God creates.
I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.
Ajai Alai
Ajai Alai is a powerful mantra that can build your radiant body, activate your higher chakras, bring you out of depression and anger, and dissolve challenges in front of you.
Ajai Alai Abhai Abai
Abhoo Ajoo Anaas Akaas
Aganj Abhanj Alakkh Abhakkh
Akaal Dy-aal Alaykh Abhaykh
Anaam Akaam Agaaha Adhaaha
Anaathay Pramaathay Ajonee Amonee
Na Raagay Na Rangay Na Roopay Na Raykhay
Akarmang Abharmang Aganjay Alaykhay